Upper school kids hanging out

Jr High &
High School


Beginning in 9th grade, HCA students will begin taking these courses:

In addition, HCA offers these optional courses and programs to high school students, based on availability in their schedules:

Juniors and Seniors are also eligible for a co-op work study programs, or dual enrollment through Calhoun Community College. Dual enrollment offers students the ability to substitute high school courses in math, history, science and English for college-level courses. Successful completion of the course awards them credit toward both high school graduation and a college degree.

Pep rally

The goal is at hand

Our 7th-12th grade program offers multiple diploma options, ranging from a General High School Diploma to an Honors/Advanced Diploma.

Please see our handbook for details on each.

Our students have multiple extra-curricular opportunities, and elective offerings to enhance and engage their learning.

Students receive a personalized education, immersion in Discipleship Training, within a Christ-Centered program.
Our motto: “Learning to See Life from God’s Perspective” is the cornerstone to each day.

Prospective students should plan a visit to join us for a day.