Elementary Tutoring

Our elementary tutor is a certified teacher for Kindergarten through 6th grade with a master’s degree in dyslexia therapy, is certified for special education, and is uniquely qualified to help any child needing some one-on-one education to supplement their time in the classroom.

All sessions will be held during school hours and will follow the HCA school calendar. Your child’s personal tutor will be in constant communication with each student’s teacher to provide support ideas for the classroom. Working in a one-on-one situation allows me to provide individualized support and instruction that tailored
to your child’s needs. All instruction is presented with multisensory instruction which includes games, activities, and many outside of the box ideas!

Student Support
One Weekly Session

30 minutes per session
$ 145 per month
(on 12-month tuition schedule)
  • Assistance completing assignments
  • Assignment management
  • Organization strategies
  • Individualized reteaching
  • Study skills building

Student Support
Two Weekly Sessions

30 minutes per session
$ 245 per month
(on 12-month tuition schedule)
  • Assistance completing assignments
  • Assignment management
  • Organization strategies
  • Individualized reteaching
  • Study skills building

Individualized Intervention
Two Weekly Sessions

30 minutes per session
$ 295 per month
(on 12-month tuition schedule)
  • Initial assessment
  • Personalized remediation for math
  • Personalized remediation for literacy
  • Personalized remediation for handwriting
  • Personalized remediation for spelling
  • Does not cover classroom or homework assignments